Friday, August 28, 2009

Welcome Back Ann Arborites!

Hey hipsters,
Welcome Back to Ann Arbor and all things glorious and collegiate. We're happy to report that the team is, almost, fully reunited and we're working hard to bring you the best in fall fashion. Look out for our welcome week party, where we'll join Dark North apparel to officially welcome all the cool kids back to campus.
Good luck unpacking and we can't wait to see you soon!

Peace, Love, THE BEARON

PS Keep sending over pictures from all your killer summer adventures!

Monday, August 24, 2009

New Poshh Ad!

I'm obsessed with this dress! It was an awesome opportunity getting to work with everyone again! Thank you so much Wendy!

Josh Band (photo), Talya (makeup), Poshh Ann Arbor

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jane's Addiction

FINALLY. Jane and I have something in common...

the bearon.


From a new found craving for all things Pamela Love (ummm BEARon ring? I need that...), to an insatiable love of all things shiny and vintage, Jane Aldridge is my girl. Jane and her amazing blog, Sea of Shoes is a daily stop for most fashionistas and even landed this young, leading lady in the pages of Vogue.

So why am I writing about her now, versus every other day of awesome Jane posts? Because everyone always laughs at how much shit I have on wrists... and now I have fabulous company. While I tend to lean towards an mix of gold bangles, friendship bracelets, Cartier ropes, and a black and gold La Mer Collection wrap watch, Jane takes a more monochromatic (and gloriously chic) approach with her all silver baubles.

Off to adorn my wrists with even more inspiration...

Peace, Love, THE BEARON

^ As though you didn't already have that bookmarked...


Peace, Love, THE BEARON